

Posted On 24 May 2024
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This entry is part 21 of 28 in the series AusMotorcyclist Issue#32



Bob has been sending us some interesting variations on “normal” photography, so we asked him how he does it. Turns out it’s quite simple.

The camera is an extraordinary time machine that allows people to see again what you saw at a precise moment of time. Photographing what seem to be mundane subjects now can prove to be interesting later down the track. An old shop on the street corner may be bulldozed in a year’s time and an office block put in its place.

With the quality of digital cameras, it makes it so much easier to get a reasonable result with your photos.

Autumn in Camden

You don’t need to spend big on camera gear. I used to travel with a Canon AE1, three lenses and tripod. I got some great shots with this setup. But it did become cumbersome changing lenses and being very particular with how I approached each shot because of the limited frames they had to work with. I now travel with a Canon EOS-350D, standard 28 -50mm lens, mobile phone and tripod.

I even use the camera on my mobile phone if I want a quick snapshot.


By today’s standards, the camera is somewhat primitive with its lack of programmable options, however, it makes me think more of the shot I’m about to take. I consider the framing,lighting, should I change the ISO setting, should I use the fl ash or natural light? Will the shot look better in black and white instead of colour? I have an idea of what I want the photo to look like when I take the shot.

Magazines, photographic books and galleries are an inspiration as to what camera angles work and how odd subjects can look very photogenic if approached the right way.

Busker in Bowral

With the variety of photo editing products available, it is easy to sit by the PC, cull the photos that don’t make the cut and enhance the keepers.

I use “Fotor” and “Picasa 3”. This is only due to their ease of use and they give reasonable results. The simpler editing software also gives the photos a more real or rustic look as opposed to something that is overly produced.

Rain in Camden

Tips for editing:

1. Open the picture, look at it, is it what you had in mind when you took the shot?

2. Crop out any parts that you don’t want in the shot.

3. Adjust the brightness and contrast to the desired level.

4. If the original photo was in colour, try changing to B/W and see if this enhances the picture. Cinemascope also gives B/W photos a nostalgic effect.

5. I sometimes use a combination of two editing products to gain the result I am after.

6. Experimenting with borders and frames add to the atmosphere of the photo depending on whether I want it to look modern or warm.

7. I often have 4 or 5 variations of the same photo, make a decision as to which one I like best, then ask my proofreader (wife) which one is best. We don’t always agree.

8. Don’t get discouraged by criticism. You’ll be surprised what you can create with a bit of imagination.

9. Most importantly, enjoy what you do.

And what can we do but agree? Take a look at Bob’s photos and see if you would have done the same thing he has… or used your own creativity. PT

Wombeyan Caves Road, Bullio


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Australian Motorcyclist Magazine is Australia's leading motorcycle travel magazine.
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