Riding for a Cause – The Scrapheap Adventure Ride Experience
- News
- September 29, 2023
Adventure is for everyone! You can buy a high-tech adventure bike from brands like BMW, Triumph, or Ducati, but the thrill lies in buying a bike for under a thousand dollars and reviving it into a running machine ready for thousands of kilometers of adventure. The idea is not just about enjoying the thrill of the ride but contributing to a noble cause at the same time – raising funds for Down Syndrome.
In today’s storytelling, we feature a motorcycling enthusiast named Perry. Perry has been riding for over five decades now, making him a seasoned expert in the world of motorbikes. With years spent curating memorable motorbiking experiences, he found an avenue that blends his passion for motorcycles with his will to give back to society. Enter the Scrapheap Adventure Ride.
The Scrapheap Adventure Ride began as a conversation on an internet forum between Perry and his friend, Bill. The concept was simple – take an old bike, fix it up, and ride. But instead of just cruising around for fun, they decided to use this adventure to raise funds for Down Syndrome, inspired by the support Perry received from the Down Syndrome Association when his eldest daughter was born with the condition.
The ride evolved into an annual event where participants meet up and ride their revived bikes to a chosen destination. The weekend-long affair has a casual night, a loop ride, a formal dinner with awards, and an auction to raise funds – all sprinkled with riders’ camaraderie, shared experiences, and joint enthusiasm for the cause. From a humble beginning with 14 riders in the first event that raised a commendable $22,000, the Scrapheap Adventure Ride has grown into a major event attracting more than 40 riders and raising in excess of $50,000. Now, Perry has set eyes on the milestone of a million dollars – a testament to the staggering growth and success of this unique adventure.
Part of the event’s excitement comes from working on the bikes. Perry’s aptitude for rebuilds and restorations, honed over the years, has played a crucial role in this. With every restoration comes an opportunity to learn more about the bike and its mechanics, rewarding not only in maintenance savings but also in the intimate knowledge of the machine. Perry takes pride in resurrecting bikes others deem unfit, gaining satisfaction in bringing them back to life.
One such project is an RV-125 Perry purchased second-hand. After the initial engine gave up on a ride, Perry’s next move is to fit a DR200 motor into the vehicle. The bike, aside from the front rim, has been entirely tweaked and modified, quite typical of a Scrapheap Adventure Ride project.
Joining the Scrapheap Adventure Ride is more than just a motorcycle ride – it’s a heartfelt journey filled with purpose, camaraderie, and fulfillment. Whether you’re a motorcycle enthusiast or just someone who wants to contribute to the Down Syndrome cause, this ride is a worthy experience.
In the end, the adventure ride isn’t about the machine, the destination, or the journey alone. It’s about the sense of community, shared experiences, laughter, challenges, and most importantly, the joy of giving back to society. After all, nothing feels quite as good as being on a bike – unless it’s being on a bike while supporting an important cause.