
Eastern Suburbs Motorcycleclub

 182 Coward Street,
NSW 2020

 0414 472 517

Company Domain: EasternSuburbsMCC

Description: Eastern Suburbs Motorcycle Club Inc (ESMCC) is one of the oldest sporting clubs in Australia, and is based in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.

Established in November, 1924 we meet on the first Wednesday of every month. Currently, our meeting place is the South Sydney Graphic Arts Club, 182 Coward Street Mascot commencing at 7.30pm. We often arrive a little earlier for a pre meeting catch up and meal.

The Club is a sporting and social club, catering for just about all tastes in two wheel adventure. We run restaurant nights, social events such as bowling, go-karting, short rides and club picnics.

For those more into competition, we have an active trials group (they’re the people who get their bikes to climb sheer cliff walls), and are associated with clubs that run motorbike road racing, enduro and other events.

The Club boasts a dedicated group of long range road tourers. These guys and gals go away mainly for weekends, but occasionally for longer rides.

This can include camping and attending motorcycle rallies in various locations throughout Australia. Regular rallies are attended in February, June and September and range from the area around Gloucester, the Brindabella Ranges west of Canberra and Mt Kosciusko.

We actively encourage members to improve their riding skills. We organise group rides on weekends, often through the Royal National Park or across the Bells Line of Road in the Blue Mountains.

There are many scooter/bike friendly cafes and restaurants around Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs that we attend as a group. Being an inclusive Club, we welcome suggestions from our members and encourage member participation. If you think that this might fit your expectations, come and talk to us.

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