
Ducati Owners Club NSW

 PO Box 124,
New South Wales 2045

 0412 402 808

Company Domain:

Description: Ducati Owners Club of New South Wales Inc.was founded in 1976 by a small group of Ducati owners interested in sharing the passion of their Italian motorcycles with others. Today it has grown to over 1000 members who now share that same passion.

The DOCNSW Facebook page was created to support and foster the objectives of the Club and The Committee expects anyone posting on the DOCNSW Inc. Facebook page to adhere to the following rules of conduct: DOCNSW Social Media Code of Conduct

(a) Stay on topic – Don’t respond to a post if you don’t have something positive to add. Also don’t add unrelated material or start having a public chat. There are other forms of communication more suited to that.

(b) Do not create posts that are unrelated to the DOCNSW objectives. What you ate for breakfast, how clean your bike is, what the weather is like in your hometown are irrelevant to the DOCNSW objectives. Such posts should be confined to your own personal social media accounts.

(c) No offensive language – The DOCNSW social media pages are in the public domain and inappropriate language of any sort will not be tolerated.

(d) No graphic or obscene photos – The DOCNSW social media pages are in the public domain and inappropriate photos of a graphic or obscene nature will be removed.

(e) No personal attacks – do not post hostile, derogatory or (deliberately), insulting comments toward a specific, individual, bike, business or group.The DOCNSW social media pages are not for engaging in or continuing personal disagreements.

(f) No flaming – i.e. posting comments intended to induce an angry response.

(g) No self-serving or flagrant promotion of goods, sites or services – Posts of this nature will be removed.

(h) No spamming – Spamming of our social media pages with advertorial content for your business/services is not allowed without prior permission of the Club Committee.

(i) Blocking of Administrators or moderators on the clubs social media sites will not be tolerated.

(2) Breaches of the rules, (or spirit), of the DOCNSW Social Media Code of Conduct.

(a) The Club Site administrators shall have final decision on the interpretation of clause 5.11 and anyone found to be in breach of these rules may;

i. have their post or link removed,
ii. receive a warning,
iii. be excluded from participating on the DOCNSW Facebook page
iv. be subject to clause 2.18

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