Australia’s Biggest MT Meet
- Riding Skills & SafetyStoriesNewsGear & Accessories
- July 2, 2018
Love your MT? Share your passion with other like-minded MT owners at Australia’s biggest MT meet.
Organised by the MT-10 owners Australia Facebook group, all variations of MTs and XSRs are invited.
11am Sunday 26th August
The Grey Gum Cafe
8679 Putty Rd, Putty NSW 2330
So mark it in your calendar, join in the fun and make this one epic gathering.
Get polishing that Yamaha MT in the garage. The goal is to get as many MT’s in the one place. Any and all MT’s are welcome. Meet at Grey Gums Cafe on Putty Road at 11am for lunch and a little photo shoot. Organise your own way there. This is the one you don’t want to miss out on.